
Argilliers - Gard provençal

village of argilliers

GPS : Longitude : 4.499722 E - Latitude : 43.974998 N
Altitude : 74 m
Ppoulation : 284

Argilliers is located 3 km from Vers-Pont-du-Gard, 8 km from Remoulins, 5 km from the Gorges du Gardon, 6 km from the Pont du Gard, 9 km from 'Uzès, 31 km from Avignon, Villeneuve-lès-Avignon

A small picturesque village in the Gard, Argilliers hosts the 18th century Domaine de Castille, designed by Gabriel Froment, the Baron of Castille, in the Italian style of architecture.
In addition to the castle, other sites of interest to be visited are the cemetery, the chapel and the dovecote, featuring a crescent-shaped 'C' for Castille on its roof. You can also see the remains of the Roman canal which channelled fresh water from Uzès to Nîmes, by way, notably, of the Pont du Gard. Close to the Gardon Gorges and the Pont du Gard.

old village of argilliers   church gard argilliers

What to see, what to visit: the Domaine de Castille, Uzès, the Pont du Gard, Nîmes, Avignon.
Recommended activities: walking, swimming, mountain biking.