

village of saint quentin la poterie

Saint-Quentin-la-Poterie is located 4 km from Saint-Siffret, 6 km from Uzès, 9 km from Arpaillargues, 16 km from the Gorges du Gardon, 20 km from the Pont du Gard, 44 km from Villeneuve-lès-Avignon and Avignon

GPS : Longitude : 4.442222 E - Latitude : 44.046112 N
Altitude : 111 m
Population : 2,949

Saint-Quentin has been famed for its pottery since the 12th century. Its ceramic paving tiles were supplied to the Popes' Palace in Avignon. During the 19th century, the village counted up to 60 kilns, and nowadays around twenty pottery workshops and studios welcome you onto their premises. Numerous pottery-related events are organised all year round: open days, the European Festival of Ceramic Arts, (with a focus on younger artisans), a fair, a pottery festival...   

pottery shop   lane of saint quentin la poterie

What to see, what to visit: Uzès and its duché, the Bambouseraie d’Anduze, Orange, Nîmes, Avignon.
Recommended activities: Walks (the capitelles circuit), mountain biking, pottery, swimming.

house saint quentin la poterie   belfry of saint quentin la poterie

Provençal market: Friday morning.