
Poulx - Gard provençal

village of poulx

GPS : Longitude : 4.424722 E - Latitude : 43.911667 N
Altitude : 185 m
Population : 4,178

Poulx is located 4 km from the Gorges du Gardon, 10 km from Nîmes, 11 km from Collias, 16 km from Uzès, 18 km from the Pont du Gard, 36 km from Avignon, 37 km from Villeneuve-lès-Avignon

Poulx is a small village perched atop a rocky hill, in close proximity to the Gardon Gorges. Its history mirrors that of its 11th century church. Although fortified and built in a dominating position, it suffered a great deal during the Wars of Religion opposing Catholic and Protestant factions. It is now a listed historic monument. The whole area around the village is ideal for walks through what the region's superb nature.

lane in the village of poulx   town hall of poulx village

What to see, what to visit: the Pont du Gard, the Roman city of Nîmes, Avignon, Uzès…
Recommended activities: walking, mountain biking, swimming, rock climbing.

lane poulx village   belfry poulx village
church of poulx

Provençal market: Wednesday morning.